On this page, you will find some information about the Website, about me (Elnur Badalov), and my ideas, hobbies, skills, philosophy.
Who is the Author
My name is Elnur Badalov. I am passionate to tech, and I am researching a lot about Cyber Security, Software Development, Web Frameworks, Linux, and many other tech things. Currently I am working in related Job, you can check details on my Linkedin Page.
Purpose of the Website
This website will reflect the things I am doing. The Experience, The Information, The How-Tos, The Notes I take, The Lovely Results I get - every nice thing will be published here.
Why I am not publishing on websites like medium?
- I do not like such platforms. That is it. I have already published some posts over there, I will move them to my website.
Why am I putting in so much effort?
- Tbh, I take notes on almost everything I do. Why should I keep them to myself, hiding from everyone? I accept that they are not as good as any documentation on the web, they are just processed and focused pieces of information. I almost never pay for education, so whoever reads my articles shouldn’t have to either. So, basically, I want to return good things I got in my way.
What am I capable of?
I don’t want to sound boastful, but I can do hell a lot of things!
Tech Stack
I am not professional at any of them, but I can accomplish any given tasks.
Web Development
- Frontend/Backend - JS frameworks basically:
- BunJS
- ElysiaJS
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Vite
- AstroJS
- NodeJS
- NestJS
- Mixed/Other
- Wordpress
- Supabase
- Design Libraries: MUI, Antd
Software Engineering
Programming Languages
- Python
- C/C++
- Bash
- Assembly
I do the following with these languages
- Automate tasks
- Develop Simple Desktop and Web Apps
- Develop UIs for Apps with no UIs
- Making Buffers to Overflow
- Creating Exploits
DevOps / DevSecOps / Cloud
I work with containerization, orchestration, automation and cloud platforms to streamline deployments and ensure security:
- Docker
- K8S
- Ansible
- Cloud (GCP, Digital Ocean, Microsoft Azure)
Cyber Security
I am hacking ethically, I am securing, I am defending, I am doing a lot of security related things and more interested in this particular field.
I love it. Currently, I am using Arch, btw.
Gratitude Site
- Nice JS Framework for the Blog - Astro - https://astro.build/
- Thanks to Sat Naing for the beautiful template - https://github.com/satnaing/astro-paper
- I am gratefull to Jamila Yusifova for her support in whatever I am doing.
- Thanks to Telman Yusifov for his contribution on my Website
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