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In Brief, Github Student Pack and big Cloud Providers.
In Detail, you can benefit from some Organizations that allows you to use Free Technologies. In this article, I will provide short but important list of things to gain goodies for yourself.
Github Student Pack
To my mind, it is the best thing a beginner developer can get. It provides tons of things, but I will write down the ones that are more advantageous:
Cloud opportunities you can get:
- Digital Ocean (1 year 200$)
- Azure
- Heroku (not enjoyable)
- netwise (1 year)
Domain Name opprtunities you can get:
- NameCheap ( 1 year .me)
- (1 year .tech) (not enjoyable)
- (several options)
Go to the following page, and get access to these opprtunities. You will need to provide a document that verifies that you are a student and +- in a week it will be ready.
Other Cloud opportunities
Additionally you can benefit from such Cloud providers as Google (300$ credit) and Oracle Cloud (forever!). Cloudflare is my favorite one, it provides a Free Proxy, DNS Records Management for your domain, V8 WORKER EDGE INSTANCES and many more.
(Thanks to Yashar for feedback)
Additionally, on Google Cloud, there are some resources that can be used freely forever:
Use Cases
What are the advantages?
As a web developer
- easy way to deploy and test the things related to web.
- easy way to set your personal website, a website for your clients, portfolios. For Example, this website and this domain name.
As a Cyber Security Specialist
- easy way to deploy labs and learn about Network, Pentesting, OSes and many other things. For example:
- Building a Robust Cybersecurity Training Lab with Snort
- A machine for cracking hashes
As an Experimentator or as the One who sees it as a hobby
- deploy and enjoy any docker images, any web apps and have fun. For example:
- Personal Cinema App
- Personal VPN
- Personal Minecraft Server
As a Startuper
- easy way to deploy your website with no costs.
- it is huge boost for deploying things on hackathons too.
It was a short article, but it should be published somewhere. I did not wanted to describe all the features verbose, because I see here no need for it. Research the things interested you yourself :)